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When we consider chocolate or cocoa we never consider hair. It’s constantly taken as a sweet treat or is a piece of a pastry. In any case, chocolate or cocoa likewise has a section in the hair care and healthy skin industry. T is wealthy in enemies of oxidants and is stuffed with sustenance for our hair and skin. In the present article, we have chosen to do a hair mask made out f cocoa that will enable you to get sans frizz hair, which is sound and solid. This mask will give you the hair you had always wanted. Best of all, this mask is produced using every single normal fixing meaning it contains no poisons or synthetics that may hurt your skin or hair. It likewise implies that the mask is produced using all regular and natural fixings giving you smooth and without frizz hair.

To make the mask for frizz hair, you’ll require:

  • Cocoa (natural)
  • Yogurt
  • Egg

Cocoa as an element for your hair helps in expanding the blood course and stream to your scalp. This will help in fortifying your hair and giving you the sustenance through the blood stream your hair needs. Making your hair more grounded and milder. It is likewise wealthy in magnesium.

It gives you smooth and without frizz hair. Yogurt is an incredible element for our hair as it contains numerous sorts of sustenance that make our hair smooth and delicate. It contains lactic corrosive which aides in cleaning our scalp and clearing the dead follicles so new hair can develop. Egg again is an astounding element for our hair and can help in getting rid of frizz hair and gives smooth hair. The lecithin found in the yolk of an egg diminishes frizz while the protein in the egg white builds the quality of our hair and makes it more grounded.

Making the mask:

Right off the bat, join the fixing together in a blending bowl. At that point apply the mask onto your hair for 20-25 minutes. Evacuate it with cool water. Rehash once every week.