Are you looking for tips on the epilation of hair in the bikini area? If so, then keep reading.
There are many ways to get rid of hair, but in the bikini area, you want the safest and least painful way. In that case, the best way is to use epilation. You can do it in the shower or on your own. It has effects that last longer, work quickly, and don’t harm your skin, which is a plus point.
You’re always hesitant about using an epilator on your private parts, right? Don’t worry. We tried a lot of different ways to use an epilator before we were sure we knew the best way to do it. So, here are some tips for shaving the bikini area.
What you should know ahead of time
Most of the time, hair in the bikini area is strong and grows deeper into the skin than hair anywhere else on the body. Epilation can be painful in many ways.
Don’t worry, though, because here we will explain the proper ways to shave bikini hair. It hurts much less as time goes on. If this is your first time epilating, you should practice on your legs first. This will help you learn how to use the epilator and get used to it.
Tips for Epilation of Hair in the bikini area
1. Pick the best epilator
There are different bikini epilators, and many of them are waterproof so you can use them in the shower. If you can’t handle pain well, you might want to use an epilator that doesn’t get wet. In wet epilation, the water and steam help open the pores, which makes it easier to pull out hair.
Aside from whether you want a dry or wet epilator, make sure you get one with a sensitive area cap.
2. Length of hair for Epilation
If you want to shave the bikini area with an epilator, the hair should be no longer than 5 mm. You can use the trimmer on your device to cut the hair or shave the area around your bikini parts four days before the epilation.
3. Get the skin ready
To make sure that epilating the bikini area doesn’t hurt too much, you should make your skin moisturized which will make hair removal less painful.
4. Cut your hair ahead of time
Trimming your hair before you use an epilator is a good idea. If your hair is long, it may get caught in the epilator’s tweezers and get cut instead of being pulled from the roots. It’s also more painful to use an epilator on longer hair.
5. Pull your skin tight
Pulling your skin tight is a good idea because it makes the pain go away and makes sure you get the hair from the roots.
The skin there is soft, so put yourself in a comfortable position, start slowly, and try to pull the skin back as you go.
6. Remove hair in the right way
Once you’re ready and your skin is stretched tight, move the epilator slowly to where your hair grows. This is important because if you move the epilator in the wrong direction, your hair will not be removed entirely.
You might have to use the epilator more than once in the same place to get rid of all the hair in the bikini area. Also, don’t use too much force to keep your skin from getting hurt.
7. Epilate at night
You can epilate at any time of day, but it works best at night. This will give your skin time to heal from any redness, bumps, pain, or irritation it may have felt. You’ll feel better by morning.