Want to know how to remove stretch marks naturally at home? Many natural ingredients can help lighten and get rid of stretch marks.
Stretch marks are signs of change, but how do you get rid of them if you want to hide them? Stretch marks don’t all look the same, and they look different on different people. The different kinds of stretch marks are usually caused by how long you’ve had them, what caused them, where they are on your body, and your skin type.
Not one thing will fix everything, but there are many things you can do. Even the natural ones! This article is the best answer to the question “How to remove stretch marks?”
Stretch marks have many causes
The following things can cause you to get stretch marks.
- Pregnancy
- Gain weight quickly
- Bodybuilding
- Loss of weight quickly
- Grow quickly
- Genetics
- Inherited diseases
- Other health problems
Here are some natural ways to get rid of stretch marks
1. Coconut Oil
Cocoa butter can help reduce stretch marks, and I’ve seen that using it during and after pregnancy makes them go away completely. The best time to use cocoa butter is at night when you can massage it well into your skin. Over time, the stretch marks will get lighter and fade away.
2. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has been used on the skin for a long time. The aloe Vera plant’s leaves have jelly inside that can be used to soothe and moisturize the skin. Even though there isn’t much clinical evidence that aloe Vera can get rid of stretch marks, pure aloe Vera might be worth a try because it can soften and heal the skin. Every day after you shower, put pure aloe Vera from a plant or an over-the-counter product on your stretch marks.
3. Apricot Oil and Mask
Apricots are great at removing dead skin, which makes them great for getting rid of stretch marks. Take two or three apricots, cut them in half, and remove the seeds. Crush the fruit into a paste, then put this mask on the stretch marks and leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash it off with warm water, and do this every day for a month to see results. Pure apricot oil helps get rid of stretch marks because it helps the skin grow back. Lemon juice with apricot can be massaged into the skin to get good results.
4. Apply egg whites
It’s time to get gross, huh? We hope it will all be worth using. The protein in egg whites can temporarily hide stretch marks, so this is a good short-term fix, even though it doesn’t help with health or healing. Beat the whites of three eggs until they form soft peaks. Apply a thick layer of this to your stretch marks and let it dry for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
5. Apply lemon juice
You’ve probably heard that lemon juice can help get rid of freckles. This is because lemon juice is a natural bleach. It can help stretch marks go away. Rub the juices into the marks and let them dry for about 10 minutes before washing them off. Make sure to do this a few times a day for it to work well.