Are you looking for remedies for dark spots after waxing? You are in the right place.
Dark spots after waxing are completely natural and not cause for alarm. Even though they disappear within a week, waxing each month and coping with these pimples can be difficult. To accelerate the healing process, you can try several home remedies for dark spots after waxing. Using a few items from your kitchen, these do-it-yourself cures reduce those unpleasant bumps in a short time.
Every time you have dark spots after waxing, all you have to do is apply your preferred home remedy and your skin will be as good as new.
Why Do We Have Dark Spots After Waxing?
Our skin is the most sensitive part of our body. When we get wax, it hurts the skin and opens the pores, which causes infection. However, the following are the causes of these dark spots after waxing.
- Acne-like Rash.
- Intensification Of The Rash.
- Development Of Pustules
Home remedies for dark spots after waxing
Here are the five best home remedies for dark spots after waxing:
1. Tea Tree Oil For Dark Spots After Waxing
Tea tree oil helps treat skin that has just been waxed. Oil is best at blocking pores in the first two days after waxing, so this treatment should only be used for irritation that doesn’t go away or comes on later.
Before using tea tree oil on the skin, it should be diluted with any other oil, like olive or coconut oil. For every drop of tea tree oil, add 10 drops of oil and apply. On the arm, apply a patch of tea tree oil to test for allergies. If there is no reaction within twenty-four hours, it should be safe to use.
You may use the remedy up to three times per day in the affected area.
2· Witch hazel
Witch hazel is both astringent and antibacterial. It is a reliable thing that can soothe and prevent rashes. Two or three times a day, put a cotton pad with natural witch hazel extract on the affected area. You will get amazing results.
3. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is also another antiseptic that comes from nature. It can be put on an affected area with a cotton pad soaked in it up to three times a day to help it heal faster and keep it from getting infected.
4. Aloe Vera
If you’ve got an aloe vera plant, all you need to do to get the health benefits is break off a part of one of its leaves. To calm inflammation, squeeze the plant’s essence effectively onto the sore area and gently rub it into your skin.
This is something you can do a maximum of three times a day.
5. Use a gentle cleanser after waxing
When you’re done waxing your body, wash it gently with a gentle cleanser. You shouldn’t use soap and scrubs because they can irritate skin that has just been waxed. For example, after waxing your face, you could wash your skin with a gentle cleanser you use daily.
6. Try a cold compress after waxing
Icing can help reduce the bumps that some people get after waxing. Putting ice on the waxed area will help reduce swelling. Make sure the ice pack as well as the bag that has ice in it are hygienic so that you don’t get bacteria and dirt on your freshly waxed skin.