Are you looking for remedies for dark underarms? Want to show off those dresses with no sleeves? Worried about showing off your dark armpits? Don’t be afraid! You can find what you want here. Read on to find out remedies for dark underarms and how to get rid of them.
Many things can cause the underarms to turn black. Some of the main causes are shaving, sweating too much, or a buildup of dead skin cells. One problem that both men and women often have is dark underarms. And we’ve got you covered if your underarms are dark.
Several things can cause dark underarms, such as:
- Shaving can cause irritation and cuts.
- A buildup of dead cells from not exfoliating often enough.
- Friction from clothes that are too tight.
- Some things can cause hyperpigmentation, like a rise in melanin.
- Melasma looks like dark spots on the skin.
- Acanthosis nigricans is a skin pigmentation disorder linked to diabetes, obesity, and hormone levels that aren’t right.
- There are also conditions like Fox-Fordyce disease that can cause darkening of the skin.
- Erythrasma is a skin infection caused by bacteria.
- Addison’s disease is something that can happen when your adrenal gland is damaged.
- Cigarette smoking makes hyperpigmentation worse.
Five Homemade remedies for dark underarms.
Here are five natural and easy-to-use homemade remedies for dark underarms.
1. Use baking soda to get rid of dark underarms.
Baking soda is an effective way to get rid of dead skin cells because it is a great exfoliant. It also has natural skin-lightening ingredients that can reduce the production of melamine, which is what causes skin discoloration, and help make the skin shiner and shiner. It also works as a natural perfume that can help keep bad smells away.
Here are:
- water
- baking soda
How to do:
- Make a thick paste by mixing the baking soda and water.
- Start by putting that on your underarms and massaging them for a few minutes in a circular motion.
- After 25 minutes, clean the areas with lukewarm water.
- Follow this method four times a week to get the results you want.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar for Dark Underarms.
What Must You Do?
- 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar
- 2 tbsp of baking soda
- Add the vinegar to the baking soda and let the mixture bubble.
- After the bubbles stop, put this mixture on your underarms and let it dry.
- Use cool water to rinse.
How it works.
ACV has mild acids that get rid of the dead skin cells that have built up and also make the dark underarm area lighter. It will also kill any microbes that are there and work as a disinfectant.
3. Olive Oil for Dark Underarms.
You Must Have.
- 2 tbsp of virgin olive oil
- 2-3 tbsp of brown sugar
What Must You Do?
- Mix the brown sugar and oil together slowly.
- Put the mixture on your underarms after you’ve wetted them.
- Scrub for a minute or two, and then leave it on for five minutes.
- Use lukewarm water to rinse.
How it works.
Olive oil helps keep the skin moist and healthy. It also has a lot of antioxidants in it. The brown sugar will remove dead skin cells and make your underarm skin darker by acting as an exfoliant.
4. Rub a cucumber slice.
Since your underarm skin is rolled up and you sweat a lot, it stays hot and wet most of the time. This makes it a great place for bacteria to grow. These bacteria can make you sick and make your skin turn darker. If you put cucumber on your underarm skin, it will feel better.
Also, cucumber is a natural bleach that can help make your skin lighter.
- Make thin slices of fresh cucumber and gently massage them on your underarms.
- After 10 minutes, wash the area. This cure should be done twice a day.
- Make a paste by mixing cucumber juice and fuller’s earth.
- Apply this paste to your underarms, and after 15 minutes, wash it off.
5. Rub potatoes.
Potatoes are thought to be bleaching agents that come from nature. They are also slightly acidic, which helps dead skin cells come off.
- Make thin slices of potato and gently massage them on your armpits.
- Grind a potato and put it through a sieve to get its juice. Use a cotton ball to put the potato juice on your underarms.
- After 15 minutes, wash it off with warm water.