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Do you want to increase weight and maintain the ideal figure of body side by side?

Reaching and keeping a healthy weight takes some work, but it can be good for your health as a whole.

You can figure out how much you need to eat and how much you need to exercise to increase weight and maintain the ideal figure of the body. By knowing your numbers and living a healthy lifestyle, you can keep your weight in a healthy range, avoid disease, and improve your overall quality of life. Before we start to gain weight, let’s find out what the ideal body shape is.

What is the perfect body shape?

You could say that since everyone has a different idea of what a perfect female body looks like, there is no one way to describe it. However, this is just one way to look at it. Evolution has given women the perfect body shape, and the closer you are to that shape, the healthier you will be. It will also make you look better.

What should you eat if you want to increase weight and maintain your ideal figure of the body?

We know that there are a lot of overweight or obese women in our area. They are always trying to lose weight to get the perfect body shape.

But there are also a lot of women who are the opposite of that. They are too thin. This is worrying because being too skinny could be just as bad for your health as being too fat.

Foods that will help you to increase weight and maintain your ideal figure of the body

Here are a few foods that will help you to increase weight and maintain your ideal figure of the body.

·      Eat more calories than your body consumes

The most important thing you can do to increase weight is to eat more calories than your body needs, which is called a “calorie surplus.”

This calorie calculator can help you figure out how many calories you need.

If you want to increase weight slowly and surely, the calculator says you should eat 300–500 calories more each day than you burn. If you want to increase weight quickly, try to eat 700–1,000 more calories than you need to stay healthy.

You don’t have to count calories for the long – term, but it assists to do it for the first few days or even weeks to get a vibe for how many calories you’re eating.

·      Take in a lot of protein

Protein is the most important nutrient if you want to increase weight healthily. Without protein, most of those additional calories may turn into body fat instead of muscle.

Meat, fish, eggs, many milk products, legumes, nuts, and other foods are all high in protein. If you have trouble getting enough protein from your food, you can also use protein supplements like protein shakes.

·      Eat foods that are high in calories and use sauces

Again, it is very essential to consume mostly whole foods that only have one ingredient. The issue is that these food products tend to be more likely to fill than processed junk foods, which makes it harder to eat enough calories.

This can be helped by using a lot of spices, sauces, and other add-ons. The simpler it is to eat a lot of food, the better it tastes. Also, try to eat as many foods as possible that are high in energy. These are meals that have a lot of calories for how heavy they are.

·      Foods that help you to increase weight fast

  1. Milk
  2. Protein shakes
  3. Red meats
  4. Nut butter and nuts
  5. Dried fruits
  6. Avocados
  7. Breakfast bars
  8. Eggs
  9. Oils and fats

If You Want To Increase Weight And Maintain The Ideal Figure Of Body Also Do These Exercises

Apart from eating you must do some exercises to maintain your body shape.  Because if you keep eating and do not do exercise then your body will not become in ide shape.

Here are a few exercises that are important to do to increase weight and maintain the ideal figure of the body.

·      The squat

The squat is the most important compound lifting move. It works almost every lower body muscle, especially the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps. This move burns fat from the thighs builds lean muscle, and yes, gives you that peachy-pert bum that many people want.

·      Push-ups

The push-up is another great exercise that should be a part of every workout plan. It works the upper body, especially the belly, shoulders, and triceps. This makes you look slim all over and works your abs to give you a flat, seductive stomach.

·      The plank

The plank is a great way to get rid of belly fat and build a strong core, which can help to protect the spine and lower the risk of injury.

·      Shoulder Press with a dumbbell

This move is great for building strong, toned, and attractive arms, and all you need to do is a set of dumbbells. If you want to be strong, lean, and attractive, the shoulder press is a great move to add to your workout routine. It focuses mostly on the shoulders and triceps.

·      Lifting heavy weights will help you get stronger

Lifting weights is a must if you want your extra calories to go to your muscles rather than your fat cells.

Go out to a gym and lift weights two to four times a week. Try to lift more weight and do more reps as time goes on.

If you are out of shape or have never worked out before, you might want to hire a private trainer to help you get started. You might also want to talk to a doctor if you have problems with your bones or any other health problem.


We hope that this article will help you gain weight and keep your body in good shape. Just know what the ideal female body looks like and figure out what parts of your body need work. The most important thing is not to worry about your size or shape. People come in all shapes and sizes, and the most important thing is to be happy with who you are. Instead of trying to be perfect, focus on being healthy and feeling great.