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As we grow to our old age we all have the one question in our mind “How to stop wrinkles?”

Whether you’re 35 and just starting to notice the first signs of aging or 55 and your skin isn’t essentially concealing your age, finding ways to stop wrinkles is likely on your to-do list.

Wrinkles are caused by a lack of moisture and flexibility in the skin. Many women and men assume that aging skin is unavoidable. But with today’s information and technologies, you may seem as young as you feel. This occurs primarily as a result of aging and certain environmental factors.

What causes the wrinkle?

Wrinkles are due to several reasons, some of which you can manage and others which you can’t:

·      Age

Your skin naturally becomes less flexible and more brittle as you age. Natural oil production declines, causing your skin to become dry and wrinkled.

·      UV (ultraviolet) light exposure 

The primary cause of rapid wrinkling is ultraviolet exposure, which accelerates the natural aging process. UV light damages the connective tissue in your skin, such as collagen and elastin fibers, which are found in the deeper layers.

Your skin loses strength and flexibility without the necessary connective tissue. Skin tends to sag and wrinkle quickly as a result.

·      Smoking

Smoking contributes to wrinkles by speeding up the natural aging process of your skin. This could be due to the effect of smoking on collagen.

·      Facial expressions that are repeated

Fine lines and wrinkles are caused by facial gestures and expressions such as squinting and smiling. When you use a facial muscle, a groove appears beneath the skin’s surface. Skin loses its suppleness as it ages and is no longer able to spring back into place. The grooves on your face eventually become permanent features.

How to Stop Wrinkles?

There are many medicines and home remedies to stop wrinkles. Here we will talk about how to stop wrinkles with simple home remedies.

How To Stop Wrinkles With Simple Home Remedies

1.   Egg whites

Eggs are extremely beneficial to your overall health. Egg whites might be a natural wrinkle treatment for your skin. 

What do you have to do?

  • Whisk some egg whites in a basin
  • Apply them immediately to your skin
  • Allow it to sit for 15 minutes after a mild massage. 
  • Wait for it to dry without disturbing it
  • After that, wash it with warm water. 

Protein, vitamin B, and vitamin E will help to naturally mend those fine lines.

2.   Olive oil

Another natural and efficient home treatment for wrinkles is olive oil. 

What do you have to do?

  • Simply massage a few drops of this oil into your skin before going to bed
  • Wipe it down with a towel. 

Your skin will be soft and silky when you wake up.

3.   Aloe vera

Malic acid, which is abundant in aloe vera, increases skin suppleness. 

What do you have to do?

  • Extract some gel from the leaf 
  • Apply it directly to your skin
  • Wait 15 minutes or until it dries completely before washing it off. 

For the same result, you may mix the gel with some vitamin E oil and apply it to your face.

4.   Drink water

Drinking plenty of water is one of the simplest methods to maintain your skin wrinkle-free. It is the most effective approach to keeping the skin hydrated and moisturized. To maintain your skin wrinkle-free, drink two liters of water every day.

5.   Lemon juice

This vitamin C-rich fruit can be used to naturally cure wrinkles.

What do you have to do?

  • Cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice into your fine wrinkles
  • Massaging it all over.

Lemon’s acidic characteristics will make your skin look brighter and smoother while also reducing wrinkles. However, keep in mind that too much lemon might be damaging to your skin.

To begin, you must maintain a balanced diet to compensate for any nutritional shortages. After that, try these simple home cures for wrinkle removal. Take a look around.