DIY summer hacks

DIY summer hacks to keep you chilled in this heat

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DIY summer hacks

We bring DIY Summer Hacks to protect you from heat.

Summer is great, no doubt about it, but it does pose some real threats to comfort. The hot and sweaty commutes? Can’t sleep because you have to fan every part of your body and keep turning your pillow? Not really.

But it doesn’t always be like this. This summer, use these DIY summer hacks to protect yourself from the heat and stay cool even when the temperature is soaring.

8 DIY summer hacks to keep you chill

1.   Make ice cubes out of aloe

This summer, you’re likely to get at least one sunburn, so it’s best to be ready. Get an aloe vera gel bottle and fill an ice cube plate with it. Take them off when you need to cool down and help your red skin heal.

2.   Make an air conditioner out of a fan

When you don’t have air conditioning and a single fan isn’t enough, put a frozen water bottle or a pot of crushed ice in front of the fan’s blades. Sit back, take it easy, and enjoy the cool air rushing over your body.

3.   Pillowcases and sheets should be frozen

Put a few pillows in a sealed bag and put them in the freezer. Then, when it’s humid, you can slip them on before you go to sleep and pass out. You’ll be surprised at how well it appears to work to keep you cool. Try it with your boxer shorts once in a while to make it more exciting.

4.   Chill drinks in a flash

What a sad story! When you got home, that six-pack was already warm. Quick, run a hand towel under a cold faucet, wrap this around a can or bottle, and put it in the freezer. In less than 15 minutes, your drink will be just right. Why? A lot of scientists have tried to explain it, but one simple explanation is that the bottle cools faster because the water just on the towel evaporates. Get your geek online to learn a lot more about how things work.

5.   Start things off

Place a table fan before a bowl of ice. The fan would then blow cold air toward you like the ice melts. Of course, you have to be close by to get the most out of it. The best time to try this hack is when you’re continuing to work at your desk or when you’re cooking and have the fan-bowl combo on your kitchen counter near the stove.

6.   Put antiperspirant along the edge of your hair

If you sweat a lot on your forehead, try putting an antiperspirant without a scent on the highest part of your top of the head every night before bed. Sure, your partner will never sleep with you again after seeing you do this, but why the hell do you want somebody in bed with you when it’s this hot?

7.   Wet socks are good for bed

This is for those nights that are too hard to bear. Put a towel at the bottom of your bed to take on some cold-water-soaked socks. If you have a fan at your feet, you’ll feel a long chill go up to your spine.

8.   Bring a portable shower

If you need to get rid of swamp ass but can’t swim or take a real shower, pull this bad boy out, fill with water, hold it over your head, and you’ll be clean in no time. Also, don’t care about the looks and screams.