Are you looking for remedies for fat arms? Keep reading.
Getting rid of stubborn fat can be hard, especially if it’s mostly in one part of your body. The upper portion of the arm is the hardest place to lose weight because the skin sags and looks like bat wings. There are a number of remedies for fat arms to slim down as well as fix the shape of your arms, which is good news.
Here are remedies for fat arms to get rid of arm fat and help you lose weight overall.
6 Remedies for fat arms
1. Pay attention to general weight loss
In a study of 104 people, only using the non-dominant arm during a 12-week program of resistance training led to more fat loss overall but had little effect on the area being worked out.
In another small 12-week study, a training that focused on one leg helped reduce body fat overall, but not in the leg that was being trained. So, it’s better to focus on losing weight overall and use exercise to shape your muscles rather than to lose fat.
2. Add more fiber to your diet
Adding a few more servings of fiber to the diet can help you lose weight and get rid of extra fat.
Fiber slowly moves through the digestive system, which slows down the rate at which your stomach empties and keeps you feeling full longer.
3. Drink better!
Do you know what’s in our arms? Over 60% is water. The rest of the weight is made up of bones and muscles. So drink! Water helps drain by getting rid of the toxins that have built up.
4. Set a time to sleep
Changes to the diet and exercise routine are important, but getting enough sleep every night is also important if you want to lose arm fat.
Several studies have discovered that sleep helps control hunger and may also help people lose weight.
5. Don’t eat many refined carbs
Refined carbs are carbs that have been changed in some way, which makes them lower in several important vitamins and minerals.
Most refined carbs are full of calories but lack fiber, which can make your blood sugar rise faster and make you hungry.
6. Do Exercises
Small workouts at home are all you need. The essential thing is to work out for more than 20 minutes each time because that’s when fat starts to be burned. Start with these easy moves to get rid of arm fat:
· Putting on muscle
Lifting weights is great. If you don’t have dumbbells, you can use water bottles instead. The idea is that if you build muscle in your arms, fat won’t stay there.
· Push-up
You can also do push-ups, which let you lift your own body weight. If you want to work your triceps, bring your hands together. Rubber bands also provide a great way to get your arms in shape.
· Equalizer dips
Keep good posture by putting your feet out in front of you and looking at a point. Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly as you move your body up and down. This will give you a full range of motion. Don’t let your shoulders move forward. Keep your chest and shoulders straight, and don’t let your shoulders go lower than your elbows.
· Ball slams
Your feet should be about the width of your hips apart and the ball in front of your chest. Lift a ball up and a little bit behind your head. Bend both knees and throw the ball as hard as you are able to the ground. Take the ball as it swings back up, or pick it up if it doesn’t bounce, and bring it back over your head. Keep your back straight and lift yourself back up with your knees.
· Use a band to do bicep curls
Place the band under the arch of the foot by stepping on it. Take the ends of the band so that the palms face forward and the arms are at your sides. Slowly bend your arms and bring your hands to the shoulders while keeping your elbows tight against the ribs. Bring your hands back to your sides slowly.